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been binged for days on ur books and def loved them! cant wait for other new updates♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎btw i also kinda wanna know if you are interested in collaborating w/ us as we are now trying to create a new online readers' community☺︎pllllease let me know your thoughts and have a good day♡♡♡


Pursuit is amazing story. There's no doubt that you're such an incredible writer. I love your writing, honestly. Hannah and Macks are my favorite fictional character now. :D 


@Lyana_S well I couldn't stop myself from commenting because I was really enjoying the story! <3 
            Happy new year btw :)


@shreeswift I'm really glad you liked the story and love Hannah & Macks as much as I do! And I enjoyed reading each and every one of your comments : )


Hey Lyana ... OMG... U r AMAZING. U r an amazing writer. I really loved all ur stories. Ur awesome writing skill forced me to read as much as possible to finish all ur stories. Though m yet to try the animal instinct series but I really enjoyed all ur other books in Wattpad. 
          Thank u so much for such wonderful stories and it's beautiful presentation. The way u have written it makes a reader feel like experiencing the emotions. 
          I m really enthralled by ur stories. Words r falling short to express what m feeling right now. It's just m elated... Thank u so much. 
          I wish u all the luck for ur future. I can see u becoming a very famous n renowned writer. 


@mesmitra9 Thank you for your kind words! I'm happy you felt all that and I appreciate you sharing it with me ...