Thirteen.Middle school weirdo. Hopelessly addicted to adventure based novels and cornflakes. Huuuge fan of #harrypotter #divergent #thehungergames #percyjackson theheroesofolympus and #DanBrown....
Totally in love with conspiracy theories, and ish. ABSOLUTELY and COMPLETLY NOT a nerd. #nutellaisliiiife and #foodisbaeeee

Honestly obsessed with Emma Watson. Favourite authors; J.K Rowling, George R.R Martin, Veronica Roth, Susan Collins, annnnnd Jeffrey Archer.

HMMK , aka !!Squaaaaddd!! #weslayatlife #weslayateverything.

~Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise; what it is it wouldn't be, and what wouldn't be it would.~
  • Wonderland
  • JoinedApril 20, 2016

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