
Omfg Mileena is on the game!!!!!! I’m finna cry!!!!!!!!!


          	  I am so happy  Mileena returned!


@ MKgirl9000  I am also very happy! :")
          	  I almost had a heart attack after seeing her


I don't know where to start, first I want to thank you, I just read the story about Scorleena, I'm shocked and can't describe how I feel after reading it, you're really talented, you're good at it writing, I couldn't stop reading this story.  I don’t know who you are, what your name is, how old you are, where you are from, etc. but know this you are very talented, and no matter who you are, I love you.  I am now going through hard times in my life and this story, at least a little bit, allowed me to be happy, I don’t know, maybe I’m writing some kind of nonsense, but your story helped me a lot, by the way, I’m very glad that you are still writing stories and you replying to messages, idk will u read this or not, know this you are special.  And yes, a couple of days ago a new MK was released, and there are officially parallel worlds, and we can say that the story about Scorpion and Mileena that you wrote is CANON. Thank your again ❤️


Thank you so much! You’re giving me a lot of inspiration and confidence. Comments like these really keep me motivated. I’m glad you enjoyed my writing and I hope life gets better for you!


Please continue the Subzero and Kitana story!


@MKgirl9000 I mean the kitana x sub-zero one also I hope you are ok


@MKgirl9000  please just finish the story before you want to make remake i beg you i have been waiting for new chapter since 2019


Hi, I’m glad you liked my stories. I definitely want to remake the Kitana and Subzero story. I want to produce something that makes more sense and have an interesting buildup. However, my life has been hectic these last few years. 


Hey Ik it’s been a while since you were last active here, I recently just finished reading some of your stories and let me tell you I’m very influenced on the work you put, I think it was about a week ago I asked in the epilogue of if I can have your permission for me to convert your story of “Hate to Love” into a comic, I’m a digital artist and I’m really excited to create something we all like, but can’t start until I need your approval - Scorleena forever!


Oh my goodness. I’m so sorry for my late response but of course!! 


Omfg Mileena is on the game!!!!!! I’m finna cry!!!!!!!!!


            I am so happy  Mileena returned!


@ MKgirl9000  I am also very happy! :")
            I almost had a heart attack after seeing her