
Sorry for the spam, I had to unpublish them while I was rewriting them and publish them again.


Do you think you will make a vol
          	  2 of the helluva boss fanfic but if not that’s okay I’m not forcing you to


Out of curiosity, has the Fallout TV show and the recent Helluva Boss episodes given you any new ideas for your Different Wasteland story if you ever continue it with a volume two?
          I'm just wondering since we haven't heard from you in a while.


@TheLambdaRebel107 okay then, good to know.
            Although you should watch the Fallout show if you ever get around to it. Even if it doesn't strike your fancy, it might be something that can give you future ideas.


@TheLambdaRebel107 I havent seen neither of those, but funny enough. The Hazbin Hotel accidently fixed a problem I thought with the Different Wasteland one. 
            But to answer your question, not really. Things will go the same much or less.


I'm here to make an anouncement, I have good news, normal news and bad news.
          -The good news is: I'm back, and Im working once again on the Knowledge keeper.
          -Normal news is: Im rewriting some stuff from previous chapters to either make more sense, or change the current progress of things since I met a dead end with some choices I did for it. Its a small rewritte but meaningful... I think.
          -And the bad news is: that I hit my toe with the leg of my chair today... it hurt as it should...
          That's all, have a nice day.


@MacArthy_21237 okay, good to know. I will still look forward to the sequel either way.


@TheLambdaRebel107 No, by rewritting I meant the Knowledge Keeper, for the Fallout one is fine in my opinion in the way I wanted it to head to unlike the other.
            And yes, there will be a continuation and conclusion to it once I finish the Keeper one that will be called "vol. 2". 
            But if you are refering to a sequel like: "Y/N and the Military problem is over, and it will be a new one for him to deal with?" No, or at least right now I don't intent to do so.


@MacArthy_21237 Does rewriting some of the chapters for your stories include your Fallout/Helluva Boss story as well? And if so, does that mean it might get a sequel someday? Cause I'm hoping that it does.