Nyello Interwebs! My name is MackAttack! I am a member of many fandoms! (no lie. I'm in like a billion fandoms) Some of them happen to be:
Homestuck(Homestuck sluts UNITE!!)
Markiplier (aka I am a Markiplite)
SNK (Attack On Titan)
(Does Game of Thrones count?)
Some artists I LOVE:
Panic At The Disco
Fall Out Boy
Twenty One Pilots(love em to THE MAX!!)
Mumford And Sons
Get Scared
♠:none ♥:Yoruko-Captor ♣:none ♦: Morgan, Ashley
Senpai: CJ
  • انضمApril 1, 2015

الرسالة الأخيرة
MackAttack64 MackAttack64 Aug 22, 2015 03:55AM
Thank you to all who read my story and voted! It is very much appreciated! It gives me motivation for more chapters! I'll try to write even better than Steven King and James Patterson combined! XD
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصة بقلم Mackenze Wiseman
Sunbeams In The Clouds بقلم MackAttack64
Sunbeams In The Clouds
Some of you may know Mr. Fischbach from his YouTube forum as Markiplier. He loves to play games of all sorts...
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