have you bought a ticket?

p e o p l e | t h a t | a r e | w o r t h | t o | b e | w i t h

@miercury - read her works and the rest shall follow.

@gotnohintofgivingup - his axx always gets dumped, but you can predict what he's about to do based on his username. a total weakshxt.

@themaninyourmovie - he's a hxx, no wonder his relationships are always miserable.

@Laivishi @Stairah - i only got one word to describe these two. hxx.

@channiiieeee - if you ever want to know someone who's head over heels for bl, then click this girl's chat button. she'll be pleased to know you.

@gimmesomehype - this one's in need of some hype, so please burn her spirits up.

@treatsfromdownbelow - i'm telling you. please don't ever bother.

@nevercallmyname - she really likes 'the guy you know who' that's why her username is like that.

@unfoldthywords - the poop you had in your shoes.

@dragmetogehenna - please she really needs to get dragged down to her homeplace.

@kyriostis - if ever you're in need of relationship here in wattpad. please don't even bother to chat these three.
  • hell stop
  • JoinedDecember 7, 2018