p e o p l e  |  t h a t  |  a r e  |  w o r t h  |  t o  |  b e  |  w i t h

@reimier - best girl ever, don't ask about her. read her works and the rest shall follow.

@themaninyourmovie - always the broken boy.

@Laivishi - Airah's bxtch.

@Stairah - a hxx for Lay.

@gotnohintofgivingup - the fighter of the group.

@treatsfromdownbelow - please don't even bother.

@gimmesomehype - chat her and burn her spirits up.

@channiiieeee - a soft girl for Christopher Bang.

@nevercallmyname - her username says it all.

@unfoldthywords - the dumbest shxt you could ever meet.

@makenzecharleigh - the gate keeper of hell.

@kyriostis - three hxxs whom got no hint of chance for our best girl.
  • hell stop
  • JoinedOctober 23, 2019