Atop the watchtower, Tolnar stood proudly in his black and purple armor. His bulky and massive frame erect, his eyes peered out across the land to assess the current state of affairs from above. Across the waterway, the marketplace was beginning to fill back up some more, thanks to an influx of foreign merchants who wished to take their crafts to a place where they thought they would have less competition. At first, that would've been true, but soon enough, said competition would return in the form of other merchants returning, or farmers picking up additional trades on the side. The farmers who didn't do so kept hard to their work, working hard alongside their older offspring to harvest their large yields, and plant more seed. Several rows and rows of crops lined the roads, spanning almost to the horizon where one to approach from the most convenient road into the Kingdom. And along every road of course was marching troops, guard leaders working hard and giving commands to instill discipline and obedience within the ranks. "Left! Right! Left!" they would give in timed shouts, making sure not one soldier would step outside of cadence. The consequences would be grave were one to misstep and disorganize the platoon. Spread out across the sky above, wyvern riders and dragon knights practiced aerial maneuvers. Spirals, flips, spins and kinds of hovers were but just a part of today's training regimen for them. Some still remained close to the ground however for everyday surveillance. "We're fixing over our wounds well," he muttered as he turned away from the grand view. "Now to just bear the scars." His vision casually shifted to the newly departing dragons on the tower, diving off just before new ones rise up to land and roost.

@Tolnar Indiel leaned up close to Tolnar as he approached with an embrace, also returning his peck with a loving kiss on his cheek. She then looked down at the sleeping child in her arms, her smile only getting bigger and brighter. His eyes were loosely shut as dhe slept, his cheeks plump and round. He was peaceful. "He's doing very well! And he's working hard to catch up to his father~" she teased, continuing with "One day he may even become greater than the amazing 'King Tolnar Kryseigg'!" The child being cradled In her arms, would slowly begin to shift around, creating soft cooing sounds as he did.

@Indiel Tolnar lifted his head up from the grand view in a snap, almost as if breaking from a long trance. "Hm? Oh," he muttered, a smile forming as he heard the voice of his. He took a warm breath as he removed his metal helmet, and stretched his neck a little. Stepping back down from the ledge on which he stood, he casually laid his helmet down and turned to face his queen. To his pleasant surprise, she was holding their son in her arms too. "Of course," he spoke out, hoping it wasn't too loud to awake the resting child. "Its always so simple to tell how things are when you get to see them from so high above." He then walked towards her, and went to give an embrace around his two treasures, and a peck on the queen's cheek. "How is he?" he asked, turning his smile to see the face of the child. "Is he working at catching up to his father already?" He was told about the child's capacity for growth, but still found it surprising nonetheless.

@Tolnar Indiel made her way through the Castle into the nursery. Their child was still young, and still small. Though, because he was only half human, he seemed to be growing faster than average. Instead of having the size of a new born, he had begun to grow to around the size of a child about six months old, despite being rather new born. As she made her way into the nursery, her child could be seen, sleeping in a crib. His hair was a dark black, and his skin was a deeper tone of olive, because of both his parents being somewhat darker in skin tone. It could not be seen yet, but his eyes were a vibrant green. Indiel would smile softly, making her way to the sleeping child. Reaching into the crib, she would gently lift him up, and cradle him in her arms, before turning to make her way back into the halls of the castle. As she did so, she would turn into the hall that led towards the watch tower. With her sleeping child in arms, she would begin to make her way up the stairs and around onto the top of the watchtower. she would stop for a slight moment, looking around, before spotting Tolnar. Wile a bright smile, she would say, "I knew I would find you here!" as a greeting, her voice quiet, only audible enough for Tolnar to hear, in hopes to not wake their sleeping baby.