
Hi Marie! Just finished chapter 15 and I'm already hooked! I'm so excited for the next chapter! Keep up the good work ❤️
          Sending love from Portugal ! Hope all is well with you 


Hello Daniela ! Nice to meet you, your message truly touched me dear. You see, I always loved to write since I’m a child, but we always used to say to me I couldn’t go far with that type of work, and messages as yours prove me I did well to always work to progress in this beautiful domain. It’s the first work I publish in public, even if my family and classmates were impressed of my work at school talking of writing, it’s good to touch the world. Even more when it’s from somewhere I love ! I appreciate and thank you for all you said. I’m so glad to see you like it, and don’t worry the next chapters are coming really soon ! I also send you love from Corsica personally, everything is well here, I hope it’s the same for you ! ❤️ Kisses, Marie.


Hello my dear, 
          I'm gonna read your fanfic and I'm sure it's passionating (please don't judge my english Marie) so I'll go read this and share to you my appreciation after, please wait for this I'm impatient to share my opinion with you :)
          good luck for your writing and I hope this be famous, 
          Good night ;)
          Nathaniel, your idiot friend
          (Please corridge my english if it's wrong, I hate Google Traduction TT)


@Minseo-kun_Len  Hey sweetheart ! Thank you for everything you said, I'm touched ! And your english looks flawless to me, do not worry about that I don't even care. Just corrige the : Nathaniel, your idiot friend. You're my little Nathaniel so intelligent and wise, never forget that. I'm glad to hear that you're gonna read it, I'm touched to see my friends looking at my work, and will patiently wait for your appreciation. Kisses ;)