
Nanowrimo has me writing every day again, which also has me thinking about unfinished stories. Although I lost momentum on "Mission Unicorn" after I didn't make the word count cut-off for round two of the Open Novella Contest 2019, I've been missing those girls, and their unfinished story is nagging at me. I honestly don't know exactly where the story is going, but today I published the first of seven more chapters that have been sitting in draft, and after that - well, I'll be making it up as I go. Thanks to everyone who read and commented on the early chapters - my sincere apologies for making you wait this long for more.


Nanowrimo has me writing every day again, which also has me thinking about unfinished stories. Although I lost momentum on "Mission Unicorn" after I didn't make the word count cut-off for round two of the Open Novella Contest 2019, I've been missing those girls, and their unfinished story is nagging at me. I honestly don't know exactly where the story is going, but today I published the first of seven more chapters that have been sitting in draft, and after that - well, I'll be making it up as I go. Thanks to everyone who read and commented on the early chapters - my sincere apologies for making you wait this long for more.


Apologies to anyone following "Mission Unicorn" who got a slew of new chapter notifications, only to find them now missing.  I went on a publishing rampage to try to meet today's Open Novella Round Two deadline, but since I failed to meet the cut-off time to submit, I've unpublished so I can take the time to check for typos and other bits of sloppiness. But there are eleven more Chapters written, which will roll out a little slower over the next week.


@CrispinOTooleBateman Excellent question, Crispin. Seven months later I've decided I'd like to figure that out myself. :) (Which is to say, Chapter Five is finally up!)


Whatever happened to the rest of the story? :)


@kaidell Chapter four is new and still up! :D


Well, my inattention to detail means that Mission Unicorn definitely won't be advancing in the Open Novella Contest. I got the date right, but the timezone wrong, and so my 8,000 words published today were too late to be submitted for judging via the form. I will carry on with the book though, as  I'm enjoying the story too much to stop now. Best of luck to all those who are competing in this round - I have a lot of fantastic reading to catch up on!


Thank you to everyone who has read, commented on, and voted for Mission Unicorn so far. I'm behind on replying to all of my notifications, but you are all greatly appreciated. :) I'm thrilled the story has made it into the next round of the Open Novella Contest, along with so many other fantastic books. I have a lot of reading, replying, and - of course - writing to do this weekend!


After missing out on last year's contest, I'm pleased to have started a new story  as part of @OpenNovellaContest 2019. The first 2000 words were up in time for the first round deadline, based on a prompt about a kid who wants to prove to the world that unicorns exist. This is a pantser project for me, as in, I'm writing by the seat of my pants. I have a vague outline, but where this story will truly end up is still very up in the air (and could be heavily influenced by comments!). Follow along with Mission Unicorn: