admin uno-PyroPie[↑/↓]
admin dos-Pyro[↑]

Hai! Admin uno here! X3 AND WELCOME TO MY WORLD OF RANDOMNESS! I like Unicorns and bunnies and all things GORE! Ha you werent expecting that you WEABOO.

Anyways me and my friend MarshmallowPyro ((GO FOLLOW HIM OR DIE)Admin dos btw) run this account we like all things YAOI so if your a YAOI hater go die in a hole you little prick!
Now i must go attend to my YAOI duties! ADIOS MIS AMIGOS! MI ENTCANTA YAOI! Btw it means 'GOODBYE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE YAOI! Now i must carry on with my duties of learning how to become a unicorn! GOOD DAY SIR!

Hey admin dos here ;P welcome to this weaboo account. We sell yaoi and crack (jk don't do drugs kids >:0)

we write books :D

books..... books are delicious cx

meet Nobody :D
say hi Nobody
(^ ^)
(/ \)
Nobody:.... *stares*

Bad Nobody!!! >8U

( ^ ^ )
(/ \)


anyway.... If your a homophobe here's a solution of how to cure your homophobia :D

1: take homophobia and crunch it into smallest size possible

2: apply little water to it for slight lube

3: lie down and shove the homophobia up your ass :D

done! you are cured! but seriously though. Don't bully gay people or transgenders! >:0 I'll come to your door and rape it
  • England
  • InscritOctober 28, 2015

Dernier message
Marshmellow_The_Pie Marshmellow_The_Pie Nov 20, 2015 10:08PM
bleh admin uno is being a lazy couch potato and leaving the book! >:(t (*-*t this is for you admin uno-marshmallowpyro
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