
I have a video up at youtube for my new book. I would love to have some "likes" and comments...even if you don't like. I need honest feedback. Thanks 


Thanks for follow.  I am based in New Zealand,  and is the setting fit some if my stories. Hope you get the chance to read and comment on them. Love  the write up on your own work.  Looking forward to checking it out.   Happy reading, talk soon.


CreateSpace publishes in print, but waiting till you're older is a good idea. I think wattpad is a great way to express yourself and get experience at writing, which may or may not be what God has planned for you. Let God lead you in the path He has planned for you. Right now, the trials of being a teenager is enough. Besides, the experience you gain being a child of God through these young years will mold the rest of your life. 


@ElovesPanda Did you know you can publish free on Amazon? On CreateSpace you can upload for free for paperback, but Amazon kindle actually sales better (because the sale price is lower)and that is free as well. Just don't put too high a price. I have a short story for.99 and books for 2.99 on kindle. Good Luck on getting published.