hey guys astro/2nd author here :,) i got logged out of this acc since i was sharing it w my cousin who is the owner of this acc. apologies for not saying anything sooner.
im sorry to say that my 'streamers' book will most likely be discontinued :(( after we entered high school, my friend group, who i had originally based the book off of w the whole smp n isekai trope have gone our separate ways. we are still in contact with one another, we just decided to go forge our own paths.
though i may create an updated version on my personal account, @C-SMICFEVER, it's almost impossible for me to update the original book on the @MashicOpacah account.
my cousin has also moved out and has her own life as an adult now, meaning she doesnt have much time to communicate to me about logging back into the acc. therefore, ive come to the conclusion that i will discontinue this book on this account, though haikyu has kinda died over the years n i do not have much time to myself as i have other commitments i must prioritize, i will try my best to see what i can do once i have more free time.
thank you to those that have read the book + voted. im sad to say that i cannot return your support by continuing the book, especially to those that stuck around to hear more from me.
thank you all, and i hope life treats you well <3
- astro