• انضمAugust 20, 2016


قصص بقلم MasterDarc
X-factored بقلم MasterDarc
Warning: Yaoi guyxguy action Cowritten by: Hazama Terumi Darc Assilem Kurayami-Mortis decides to go to the Un...
The Hunted Steampunker بقلم MasterDarc
The Hunted Steampunker
Kyal Jr Durant comes to a Freya Lake. He meets a mysterious woman who will help him obtain more steampunk mat...
The Blood Shadow Phantom بقلم MasterDarc
The Blood Shadow Phantom
Aku Geister is a teenager going through life and finds himself at the wrong place at the wrong time when he h...
1 قائمة قراءة