Hello everyone, my name is Matthew and I am a Fantasy author from Ireland.  I will be uploading a novella onto Wattpad to see what kind of response it gets - hopefully a good one!

The Sorcerer's shadow is a planned novella that will be regularly updated here on Wattpad. I'm releasing it here in order to gain feedback from you, the reader and to help promote my first upcoming novel in The Watchers series, scheduled for a November release.

Sign up for my mailing list to receive important updates about the upcoming novel! You won't regret it and as a young, independent author I can tell you that every subscriber matters. When you sign up you'll receive any updates about a fixed release date, planned promotions and if this series goes to plan, a free short story once we get lots of reviews on Amazon. The link is in the website description.
  • Ireland
  • SumaliJuly 7, 2018