
Hello everyone! Hope you are all doing well. It would mean a lot if you'd check out the first chapter of my new story!! Thank you uwu


Hey, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my book "When Nature Beckons You"!
          Hope you are doing well? I hope life hasn't been very hard on you with this global pandemic going on. 
          I am Khan, Humaira or Meraki as you'd like to call me, :)  I wish you have a great day as well.
          Thank you for reading through till here. ❤️


Hello everyone! It's been a long time! I just published the first 5 parts of my new series Murder Town, so if you would check that out, I would greatly appreciate it, and please please PLEASE let me know your thoughts :) 
          Murder Town focuses on a grim city where, at night, murder is legal. The characters really drive the story. Everything between mutants, ghosts, serial killers, cannibals, political figures, and innocent people just trying to survive. I switch between first and third person as I see fit as well. Sometimes it's really fun to get into the headspace of a deranged killer. Anyways, enjoy and Happy Holidays!


I am taking Creatures of Wonderland down to revise it for clarity and cohesiveness. When I think it is ready, I will republish and begin work on it again. For now, I am working on short horror stories and some other projects that will be revealed soon once I deem them presentable. I do applogize for being dormant for so long and I thank all of my followers reading this for understanding.


I won #2 in the Earnesty Writer's Awards' Action Adventure category with my story Creatures of Wonderland! I am flipping out! Onto round 2 we go


@MaximumUwUdrive Good luck on your preso!!


Yeah I'm feeling better now! Thanks :)
            I have to do a presentation tomorrow, I hope to pick up writing after that 


@MissTigriss Thank you so much! I hope you are doing well


I'm back and writing! I just needed a short break from everything. The next chapter of Creatures of Wonderland will be out next Friday and hopefully resuming a regular schedule. For now, feel free to check out my two side projects I just started titled Eternal Winter and Deep Blue respectively. Those will be getting irregular updates, however.
          Also, I hope everyone is having a great day :)


Hey! You're probably finally relaxing, but when will the next chapter be up? Can't wait for the story to continue :)
          Hope you're okay btw, since I haven't heard anything from you in a little while


@MissTigriss Thank you for being kind and understanding 


@MissTigriss oh I'm sorry to hear that! Hope you'll feel better soon! Take all the time you need, I'll be looking forward to reading the next chapter :) 


@MissTigriss I'm ok, it's just I haven't been able to sleep very well and I've been super busy. There hasn't been too much motivation to write. I will hopefully have my next chapter up by next week


There won't be a new chapter this week. I'm taking some time to myself.


Thanks! :) <3


@MissTigriss Oooh can't wait to read what you're writing!!