Hi everyone, I know it's been a long time of radio silence and I'm very sorry for that. The reason is for health and financial issues weighing heavily on me and taking up a lot of energy so I haven't had the time/motivation to write. As for the rewrite, it's still sitting there and I'll occasionally get maybe hundred words done but it's hit or miss. I had hoped to finish at least half the story before uploading but with how things have gone in my life I may have to finish act 1 and start posting so I'm not keeping you guys waiting any longer. I mean, this is assuming anyone is still interested which may not be the case so this may be for nothing. I'm not completely inactive creatively and am slowly doing more but who's to say something else won't happen and stop everything again? I have no idea when things will settle down for me if at all so I have no idea when I'll get properly back into consistent writing but I am thinking about it and I feel bad for this whole thing but it's just how things have gone unfortunately. I hope you guys are doing good and if not I wish you all the best. Also I'm posting really late and I should be in bed so if you comment and I don't respond I'm sorry. I'll try my best but my memory has declined because of the above issues so it might just slip my mind. You're free to send my a private message and those I can usually handle since Wattpad actually sends me emails for every single one (unlike comments where it just randomly decides to not tell me unless I open the app for some damn reason). <3 P.s for anyone wondering, I took down His Majesty My King. Reason being what I said above but also because the worldbuilding is so painfully outdated that it physically hurts me to see it. Right now I'm making the language an actually proper language and not just English with made up words. Probably too much information but I'm genuinely having a fun time with linguistic stuff and idk, I don't have anyone to gush to about it.✨I'm a nerd✨

@Me-The-Me kinda late to this news but make sure to take your time, drink lots of water, and take tons of breaks!

@Me-The-Me please take all the time you could need, you are entitled and more than should put yourself above the work you make. You are a great writer and I know that me and many others will wait for you to return happy and healthy. I hope life has or is getting better for you.