Pretty much love My Chem. Absolutely love them. Cliche, however, they have saved my life. I don't mean on the verge of death, heard a song and stayed alive kinda thing. I respect that so much though. No I mean like their music kept me out of trouble, let me know no matter what, I have something worth living for. I felt normal in a world where I really wasn't. They taught me that it's okay to dress in all black and to be upset sometimes. I've never believed to be a bigger fan than anyone else. I've liked and known about them since 2003, but that makes me no better than someone who just discovered them. It makes me a welcomer into our family of cookies, coffee, fros and unicorns. Oh, and sass. So much sass. I've sprayed the Bullets, I took Revenge, I marched in the Parade, and now I'm just a killjoy living these Dangerous Days.

I love writing fan-fiction. I have so many stories that I've yet to share with the world. And I eventually have to get over my writers block on Mibba and finish my story.

A little more about the personal me? Well I have 4 peircings: Ears, lip and tongue. As well as four tattoos: One that says "Art is a Weapon"(yes I know it's Art is the Weapon, I wanted a instead of the for a reason), one that is a microphone with a banner and music notes, a black, purple and red swallow bird in clouds surrounded by "Thank You For The Venom", and "You only live one life, for a very short time, so make every second divine."(R.I.P. Mitchy) I currently have bleach blonde hair. Give me some time, it might change next week. I have a little chihuahua/jack russell named Buddy, who is my baby bug. I did go to college for Graphic Design, and eventually will finish. Probably when I learn patience.

Anyway, I'll close this now. You have a bit of insight to who I am now :D
Remember kids:
Stay Beautiful, Keep It Ugly <3
  • انضمJune 5, 2012


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