
Hey guys! I'm back. I'm back! Woo-hoo! Let's throw a party.
          	Just kidding that'd be difficult, I don't even know some of you. :/
          	That should change, soon. Just saying.
          	THANK YOU to all of my wonderful followers who stayed with me throughout this VERY long period of disappearance. I can't really say exactly what happened to me. I was in a VERY bad writers block. I could never finish anything.
          	Alrighty. I will publish a new story to Untitled/Sleeping With the Bad Boy in t-15 minutes.
          	I have a request. Pretty please comment what story you all want me to work on so I know where I should pick up now that I am back. :) I have no true preference, so it's all up to you guys :)
          	<3 Mel


Hey guys! I'm back. I'm back! Woo-hoo! Let's throw a party.
          Just kidding that'd be difficult, I don't even know some of you. :/
          That should change, soon. Just saying.
          THANK YOU to all of my wonderful followers who stayed with me throughout this VERY long period of disappearance. I can't really say exactly what happened to me. I was in a VERY bad writers block. I could never finish anything.
          Alrighty. I will publish a new story to Untitled/Sleeping With the Bad Boy in t-15 minutes.
          I have a request. Pretty please comment what story you all want me to work on so I know where I should pick up now that I am back. :) I have no true preference, so it's all up to you guys :)
          <3 Mel


Hey guys.
          So, I have to talk a bit of a break from Wattpad. I know it sucks for me just as much as it sucks for you and maybe even a bit more. But High School has not been kind and I just got this HUGE project due in a few days and I'm partnered with people who hate each other right now and they won't agree on anything.
          In addition to this. My teacher signed me up for a Script Writing competition and the theme is "As Seen on Disney" so I have to write a script for a whole disney  movie and I'm not evn sure if there's a prize or not. So, anyway, it may be a while before I come back to wattpad. Maybe even a month, which isn't good
          But I beg, I plead, I cry- PLEASE STAY! I know I won't be here but I'll write bits and pieces and if I finish a chapter I'll upload it as soon as I can. It would probably be late at night, but since I have to write three things right now I'm not sure how often I will actually write on Mismarked and "Sleeping" With the Bad Boy.
          I love you all and I understand.


Hey all! I hope you've been reading my updates, feel free to comment if you don't like it (but especially comment if you do ;p) Anyways, one of my best friends recently joined Wattpad. She's a bit younger but she does write good books and she can even make some pretty good covers- she's in the process of making a few for me (FINALLY)
          So, her user is Natalie_Eller and I think some of you would like her. 
          Obvi it would be awesome if you could follow her but since she hasn't posted anything yet, you may not take me word for it.
          Hope you're enjoying my stories!!


Hello my beautiful followrs,
          I'm sorry I haven't been posting anything lately. I have been working on a story that was on here but i deleted so I could send to a publishing competition against another 15,000 people.
          Me in an adjective.
          My whole life in an adjective, actually.
          Anyways, I've been procrastinating and that isn't fair to you guys.
          But as I've been procraistinating I've been reading through some of my stories and I think I'm going to take a second hit at some of them. Well, two.
          1.) Mis-Marked. I have read through my chapters because it's been getting a lot of attention lately even though I haven't updated in forever so that will be number one. I'm going to go back to planning since I never even did that in the first place and it may be completely different to tell the truth. But please bear with me.
          2.) Remember me. I never even got that far in this book because I just didn't know what I was going to do with it. I still don't so I'm going to do a little more playing around, but by my birthday in the new year we should have a few updates.
           3.)  (Surprise)   I've been working on a new love story at this moment since everyone seems to be into the bad boy works, I thought I'd 'give it a go' as the Brits say. I can't say much yet, but it's from the girl AND the boys POV. Interesting? I hope so. The first chapter should be out in a few days.
          OH! And btw-
          Merry Christmas to all,
          and to all a good night.
          (Comment what you got if ya want. I love ya! Hope you had a great day!)


Sorry I haven't been posting a lot lately. Please bare with me, I know it's frustrating. School hasn't been the most kind of late and I've been swamped with homework over breaks and weekends. I have a lot of projects coming up in my World History class that will take a lot of time as well. I'll try to write a few paragraphs every day so I can at least post a chapter a week. 
          Love you all- hope you stay 'cause YOU ROCK