
Dead Men
          	The door to the tomb opened… slowly, the soft outside glow lending coldness, to the stuffy bright warmth within. The one within glanced at the foreign without, his once tall yet never truly imposing figure now seemed to stoop, steeped with some incredible burden.
          	Why are you running? There is nothing for you anymore.
          	The one without threw something dark and clothe like to the one within who blinked trying to get a better look at the one standing in that relative darkness. 
          	“Get up, get out,” 
          	the man monotoned. The subtler features pale lifeless yellow eyes and finely pointed ears across the shock white aristocratic manner.
          	The one within was confused, watching Aiisia


Dead Men
          The door to the tomb opened… slowly, the soft outside glow lending coldness, to the stuffy bright warmth within. The one within glanced at the foreign without, his once tall yet never truly imposing figure now seemed to stoop, steeped with some incredible burden.
          Why are you running? There is nothing for you anymore.
          The one without threw something dark and clothe like to the one within who blinked trying to get a better look at the one standing in that relative darkness. 
          “Get up, get out,” 
          the man monotoned. The subtler features pale lifeless yellow eyes and finely pointed ears across the shock white aristocratic manner.
          The one within was confused, watching Aiisia


Dead Men
          The door to the tomb opened… slowly, the soft outside glow lending coldness, to the stuffy bright warmth within. The one within glanced at the foreign without, his once tall imposing figure now steeped with some incredible burden.
          Why are you running? There is nothing for you anymore.
          The one without threw something dark and clothe like to the one within who blinked trying to get a better look at the one standing in that relative darkness. “Get up, get out,” the man monotoned. The finer features