
Hey everyone I just got a new phone today, and I like it, 


Hey everyone, the family dog Elsa her ashes are getting picked up from the vet, , I just miss her so much, and no I won't show a photo of her ashes, cause I know some people who are very sensitive with pets and don't wanna see Ashes of the people or pet they really loved, but I will show one of the best pictures I have of her, if you All want, I already shared a photo of princess when she was still a puppy. Let me know if you want to see a photo of her ashes or not, cause it's not for the sensitive heart.


@MelissaHilsenrath145 Roses are red, Violets are blue, You are a great friend, I believe there is no one quite like you, and I am glad you are here for me, cause I will be there for you.


@MelissaHilsenrath145 no to seeing the photo of ashes that sounds depressing.


Hey everyone I have some bad news, the family dog Elsa is being put down today,  I said my goodbyes and I petted her one last time, I'm going to miss her. But I'll still make some chapters, but no gacha videos, and like I said, for those of you here who also have YouTube, please understand that I won't make more videos for a while, not sure when I'll go back to making more videos. 


@MelissaHilsenrath145 Awe, I am sorry about your beloved pooch. Sends virtual hugs.


Hey everyone, I made a part 3 of how sunshine and Ryder met, also what chapter should I do next in my story, young mothers drama.
          how Owen saw Victoria, in the flesh and develop a crush on her, before they met and started dating, or Sunshine's and Ryder's wedding? 
          Don't forget to let me know, I love you all so much, also I go back to work 4 days. Wish me luck when I go back to work.


Merry Christmas everyone, remember to be good and remember to watch out, better not cry and better not pout, cause remember Santa Claus is coming to town, and make sure to get to bed early tomorrow, also I'll be sure to write a chapter on two or 3 of my stories when I get enough time tomorrow, again merry Christmas.


Hey everyone I'm not happy about this cause one Wattpad user kept calling me a bot in the comments I made I'll show you,, (ignore the message on top and my story,) also DON'T call someone a bot without looking at their account and DON'T just block someone unless they got on your nerves, and I don't care if I get in trouble for calling this user out sometimes you have to do it.


@MelissaHilsenrath145 that user doesn't know how bots work 


@MelissaHilsenrath145 Yes, of course, I believe you.


Good afternoon! It is 4:38 pm here where I live. I am excited because tonight I get to see a baseball game!  I hope the team wins. Anyway, hope you are having a blessed day.


The team lost the game. I still had fun watching it with my husband.


@SummerCheng37 I hope so too and I sure am having a blessed day 