
Hey guys I am so sorry I have been MIA for the past few months. Everything has just gotten so crazy with school and work. But I am going to get back to writing my fan fictions for you guys. :-)


Good Afternoon. I am currently working on Chapter 10 of my "You'll Never Slip Away" Story and once I have that uploaded I was thinking about starting another story. Not a fan fiction but a romance story. I have a lot of planning to do before I start my new story so I will be of course working on all of my stories while I start my new one. :-)


Good Evening to my wonderful readers. I am so sorry I have not been able to finish Chapter 10 of "You'll Never Slip Away" today because the wifi has not been very good at work. I am going to work really hard to get that up tonight and if I cannot it will for sure be up tomorrow. I did put up a One Direction Imagine about How You and Harry Met. So I really hope you guys like it. Thank you so much for reading my stuff.


Hello to my wonderful readers. I just wanted to update on what stuff will be published when. I work tomorrow but I hope to have Chapter 10 of "You'll Never Slip Away" Luke Hemmings Story up by tomorrow. I also have discovered that I have a One Direction Imagine Book that I completely forgotten about. So my goal is to hopefully have the first five of those imagines up by this weekend when I am not at work. I hope you enjoy Chapter 9 of "You'll Never Slip Away". Goodnight Everyone. :-)


I have just posted Chapter 9 of my "You'll Never Slip Away" Luke Hemmings Story up. I hope you guys like it. I hope to have Chapter 10 up either tonight or tomorrow and I will possibly be able to upload Chapter 11 and maybe some of my 5 Seconds of Summer Imagines as well. :-)


Hello to all of my lovely readers. I am so sorry I have not been adding anything to my stories in such a long time. My life has completely turned upside down this year. I have finished and submitted Chapter 7 of my "You'll Never Slip Away" Story about Luke Hemmings and I am currently writing Chapter 8. I will for sure have Chapter 8 uploaded tomorrow afternoon and I might even have chapter 9 uploaded as well. Thank you so much for reading my stories and I really hope that you like my new chapter and I will be a lot more active with my stories. You guys are awesome. I will update you guys when I publish my future chapters. :-)