
Just want to say that yes, I am still alive (a true blessing in these times). My family is safe and healthy, as am I and I hope you all can say the same. If not, I truly am sorry for your loss and I hope you have a good support system to help you. 
          	I’m in the second to last year of finishing both my degrees and I have since adopted a dog. I know you’re all eager for an update, any update for any of my books. And I have been writing, but until finals are over and my brain is in the right mindset, I cannot promise an update. 
          	I know that I will update again as I still have ideas and am still adding chapters behind the scenes, but I’m sorry to say I can’t give an exact date. If I do decide to abandon, as in never write or update again, I will let you know. I have not done so yet because I’m the unpublished sections of my stories, mainly PoO, there are 10 unpublished chapters. 
          	Hopefully my brain will connect the dots and I find the motivation/creativity to write what I need to and press publish. But my mind, ideas, and writing has changed so much and I’m constantly fighting the temptation to delete it all and begun from scratch believe it or not. I started this on a whim in high school and here I am almost done with college. I never imagined the response or love my stories have gotten, and I want to reward all the devotion and patience and not just give up. 
          	I’m so sorry that you still have to wait, but do know I’ll return. I may post some snippets from what I’ve written as a teaser/proof she hasn’t lost her marbles if you’d all like that. 
          	Thank you all so much and I love you


@AishaLaam Your fans and I were waiting for you for six years. Oh yeah, I was reading your "Dear Plagiarist" from Phoenix of Olympus (PJO/Harry Potter). That's true because they were jealous or insulted you. You were higher than them. Don't mind them. You were good writing at them and your stories was fascinating. One day, if you were finished  writing until the ending and you can rest or take a break anytime. Don't give up. Please update.
          	  Thank you.


Wow, It's been a long time since you've written this. I hope you're doing okay.