Updates, people, updates!
First off, thanks for your patience with my schedule! It's weird, not having updated anything in nearly six months. But there's a light at the end of the tunnel, and I'm here to provide a flashlight for you all.
1.) We're so close to finishing In This House! I finally settled on a pen name that didn't make me want to test my eyeballs out with a fork, which I honestly think motivated me to get going more than it should have lmao.
2.) Once I finish writing, I will start another story here. I don't know if it will be the Yung Gravy one or the IT one, but one of those two will have some chapters out for y'all. During this time, ITH will rest so I can come back and edit it with a fresh perspective. I likely won't release an entire fanfic during this downtime, probably just a couple chapters.
3. Once those chapters are out, we'll edit, figure out how the hell Amazon KDP works (I'm not dumb, I promise; I'm just technologically incompetent) and get that book out for y'all.
More updates about purchasing and release dates will be released as we get closer to the end. I cannot express how thankful I am to have this platform as support. I only know three of you, but I'm lucky to have all of you to back me in this <3