
POV: you stayed home from school but now the place is on lockdown: 


So Bob Bryar died?? Damn. Condolences to friends and family. Idk if he was supposed to be the drummer on the tour, as I didn't really look into it, but hopefully everything will go okay for MCR and everyone he was involved with. RIP


While those who celebrate enjoy their meals today, remember all those that were lost before this was America. Remember the families that were broken, and the tribes that were massacred. As a member of the Monacan Indian Nation who lives with people who celebrate Thanksgiving, please keep in mind the heartache of the holiday. Enjoy your time with family and the plentiful food, but do not forget the pain that this day carries for some of us. Because although that day is so far in the past, those lives that were lost still belonged to people who were loved.


Updates, people, updates!
          First off, thanks for your patience with my schedule! It's weird, not having updated anything in nearly six months. But there's a light at the end of the tunnel, and I'm here to provide a flashlight for you all.
          1.) We're so close to finishing In This House! I finally settled on a pen name that didn't make me want to test my eyeballs out with a fork, which I honestly think motivated me to get going more than it should have lmao. 
          2.) Once I finish writing, I will start another story here. I don't know if it will be the Yung Gravy one or the IT one, but one of those two will have some chapters out for y'all. During this time, ITH will rest so I can come back and edit it with a fresh perspective. I likely won't release an entire fanfic during this downtime, probably just a couple chapters.
          3. Once those chapters are out, we'll edit, figure out how the hell Amazon KDP works (I'm not dumb, I promise; I'm just technologically incompetent) and get that book out for y'all. 
          More updates about purchasing and release dates will be released as we get closer to the end. I cannot express how thankful I am to have this platform as support. I only know three of you, but I'm lucky to have all of you to back me in this <3


Okay gang, new update.
          I've made the difficult decision to make 'In This House' only available on Amazon. There are multiple reasons for this, but the big one is that I don't like change. I want to stick with Metalmankayden. Expect more book cover changes in the upcoming week.
          So, yeah. I'll post an update when 'In This House' is available on Amazon. 
          Gang gang, or whatever the kids are saying. 


          1.) After SMASH finishes publishing (and I publish the Writer's Handbook), I'm going to disappear for a bit to finish working on my original work, 'In This House' because I need to prioritize it. That means that weekly updates will be gone for a while.
          2.) Why do I need to prioritize it? Because it's going to be available on Amazon! I will provide more updates for this as I finish the book, but keep your eyes open. 
          3.) Unfortunately, we're shelving the Yung Gravy book for now. I will continue working on it in my downtime, but it will not be available until after 'In This House' is available, as it is my priority for Amazon. 
          4.) It's the end of an era. I didn't want to risk any copyright or legal issues with AmazonKDP, so we're saying goodbye to the Metalmankayden name. The new name of this page will be for my penname, Danny K. Emalates. This is, again, just a precaution as to not avoid legal issues. 
          5.) In continuation of section 4, note that posts will no longer be signed off with 'MMK'. They will be signed off with 'DKE' instead. 
          6.) As a general forewarning, I need to update my book covers with my penname to stay out of legal problems, so please keep that in mind if you've read multiple books of mine and are confused about the change. 
          I'm so happy for this opportunity and can't wait to get 'In This House' out to y'all. Much love!


Hi gang!!
          I've been working on a super secret surprise for the past few weeks, and I think I'm far enough in where I can do a little reveal. But first, I have a couple questions for you. 
          Are you the type of person to put essays off until the last minute?
          Are you the kind of person who has a vivid world inside your head, but has no people in that world?
          Are you the type of person who wants to improve your communication skills?
          Are you the type of person who wants to improve your writing?
          If you answered any of those with 'yes', then look no further that my help book, the Writer's Handbook! We've got advice for everything on there-- how to be convincing, come up with a unique character, improve your narrating voice, everything! 
          I will be publishing everything all at one on June 1st to kick off pride month. So, if you're looking for some advice on the literary world, keep your eyes peeled!
          Also, happy mother's day!


@metalmankayden Yes I am the person who wants better communication skills 