Hello guys! Mezz is here!
For those who are new, welcome! I am Mezzone and I write stories and fanfics for all of us to enjoy! I am about to share some updates here :3
So i am focusing in finishing "The Radiant of My Heart", my first Twoset Fanfics. Please be patient guys, I am planning to finish them in 5 to 8 episodes MAX, hopefully we can so that I could start new series and stories. I will try to update another episode around next week.
For those who has not read them please give them a visit, votes, comments and follow me for more! Say 'hi' to me!
I have the sudden ideas to write a short one-shot story about Twoset. Are you guys interested? I will try to write them soon. And after I finished "The Radiant of My Heart", what kind of twoset fics do you want to hear from me?
A. Fantasy/isekai
B. Daily
Please reply your choices below! I have interesting plots and different main lead for each of them (one will be brett, one will be eddy oho :3), so you choose which one do you want to hear first!
So thats about it, cant wait to hear from you guys. See you soon and follow me for more stories! Stay safe!
With love, Mezz