
          	I read your story! Wow! I think it is amazing! And, I'm not a talker. I really really like it!


hey i know these messages get really annoying lol but i just wondered if you could do me a huge favour and check my story out 'a pirates daughter in this age - no way!!!!!' im really needing some feedback lol but i understand if you dont want to lol thanx =D


Hey! I'll defintly read ur story, iv book markd it so i dnt forget :) i thnk i hav spare time tonyt so il read it than? If thats alryt with u .. Sorry im jst tryna get some chapters typed up ryt nw .. Hope u understand


Hey there 
          Before deleting­ this annoying message... tehe­... please just hear me out. 
          Could you pleas­e read my story HUNT FOR THE N­EWBORN. I really need some out­siders input and your help wou­ld be highly appreciated. 
          I would gladly ­return a favor!!! I promise!!!­ I am not a fake!!! If you wa­nt me to read your story then ­just drop me a message and I w­ould gladly do it. 
          Please also com­ment and vote if you like it. ­I hope you do. I think you'll ­do. But anyways. Go scope it o­ut. Cant wait for your HONEST input. 
          Lots of love 


Hey there I would love to read your story, 
          from your description it actually hits very close
          to home with me, because two years ago I lost 
          my best friend Ashley to things your character is 
          dealing with. Ironic right? Well When I get the chance 
          I'll let you know what I think, and let me know if you get a 
          chance to read the beginning of Violet Flame, it's a fantasy romance. 