I just posted excerpts form all four of my published books. I'm currently working on book #5—Part 2 of The Balance trilogy. I've always seen this as a 3-part story, but I took time off from The Balance to write I AM and BOSWORTH. I've postponed another book (a supernatural thriller that I've been researching for some time) to start Volume 2, subtitled: "The Wastelands and the Wilderness"
The Balance was originally 150 thousand words, but included even more backstory than I allowed to stay in. Things like the history of The Land, the economics of the Council, and the structure and organization of both the Council and the order.
I cut it down to 109K words for publication. I'm not sure how long Part 2 will be—it's starting to look like a beast, based on my plot outline and everything I want to include in it. We'll see . . .