
Coraje, thank you so much for that compliment. I'm very glad you enjoyed The Candle Star. Unfortunately, I can't respond to all the request I get to read manuscripts. My best advice is to search out others like yourself who might be interested in forming a critique group. My own writer's group has helped me in so many ways. Best of luck to you, and keep writing!


Your stories r amazing and superb.why don't u post them free here  instead of on Amazon .no one can appreciate you more than we do.alas,I hate Kindle,.every good writer goes there and Kindle is really complicated with all card no.anyways,good luck.


So . . . what next? :)


@MichelleIsenhoff Keep at it, I am sure it will be wonderful.


What's next for you...? My only other free novel is Taylor Davis. It's a very different style than Candle Star and Song. Less literary, more quirky humor and adventure--kids' sci fi. You're welcome to read it, but think Percy Jackson.
            What's next for me...? I'm still plugging away at Ella Wood, the YA sequel for Candle Star. Slowly. Oh, so slowly. (Sometimes I wish someone would stick me in a hotel for a month like they did for JK Rowling.) :)


Hi! I really liked The Candle Star and I was just wondering if you're going to write a sequel?


Glad you like it, tiny ninja! Candle Star is book one in my Divided Decade trilogy, but the trilogy does not follow Emily's story. It features different parts of Michigan in the war. However, I am currently writing a spin-off series that does follow Emily home to South Carolina.  It should release early next year. If you want notice, sign up form my new release (only) emails. http://wordpress.us4.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=bd39346304b2ba3bf83145bb3&id=e85fc33116


Thank you so much, zkmadix! That is a high compliment. I do have one more book on Wattpad, "Song of the Mountain." It was actually nominated for a Cybils Award last year, and I consider it my best writing so far. I appreciate hearing from you!


Sooooo . . . any suggestions as to what you've posted here that I might want to read next?


Carolina, thanks so much for all your comments. I flew through the last few and didn't reply. I've had a hospital kind of weekend (grandma, not me) and I'm bushed, but I want you to know I had so much fun reading your thoughts as you worked through the book. Of the other two novels I have posted on Wattpad, I'd suggest Song of the Mountain. It received some award recognition and is written in the same literary fashion as The Candle Star. My third one (Taylor Davis and the Flame of Findul) is preteen humor--popular with the kids it's written for but no so much by the more literary set. :)


Coraje, thank you so much for that compliment. I'm very glad you enjoyed The Candle Star. Unfortunately, I can't respond to all the request I get to read manuscripts. My best advice is to search out others like yourself who might be interested in forming a critique group. My own writer's group has helped me in so many ways. Best of luck to you, and keep writing!