I am so sorry for the delay and thank you all for your patience. I have finally finished sheilds of power. I hope you enjoy it and thank you once again. A thank you so much to my followers and thank you so much for your patience
Please update sex and vampires....I want to know no... Everyone who read it wants to know what happens when Charlie comes ...m please please please update sooon!!
I am so sorry for the delay and thank you all for your patience. I have finally finished sheilds of power. I hope you enjoy it and thank you once again. A thank you so much to my followers and thank you so much for your patience
I am so sorry for the delay of sheilds of power. I have just been so busy. Finals and the end of school is coming. I promise I will update a lot during summer and I ask for your patience!!! Thank you so much!!!!
Hi everyone!! I would like to say that i am putting the story SHEILDS OF POWER back up because a lot of my loyal followers are asking for it! I ALSO WANT TO SAY THAT I DID NOT WRITE THIS STORY. I COPIED IT OFF THE INTERNET ON FANFICTION.NET. CREDIT GOES TO thunderful AT THIS SITE: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5351513/1/
Why is it that some of your stories are skipping chapters? Like the story will be on chapter two then the next chapter will be chapter seven. I'm just asking and I wanted to know of you can fix them. And the story 'Shield of Power' if it's the one I'm thinking of PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put it back up!!!