
Out of Service Due to Renovations. 
          	This is about my story "The Third of a Key". I would just like to tell you all that I an up[dating a few of my earlier chapters and I would suggest that you reread all of the chapters before my AN. My writing style has changed a lot in the past few years and if you enjoyed my book before, I can garentee that you will like them much more now. There will more details with my new writing style, as well as longer chapters now. I find those kind of fanfictions very enjoyable as you can tell by my favorite Newsies fanfiction EVER: In The Stars. 
          	I have quite the amount of free time on my hands now so my update schedual will hopefully be more consistant. My plan is at least three chapters a week and it will be going into wffect once I have finished updating the rest of my story. 
          	That's all for now. I will keep you all posted. 


Out of Service Due to Renovations. 
          This is about my story "The Third of a Key". I would just like to tell you all that I an up[dating a few of my earlier chapters and I would suggest that you reread all of the chapters before my AN. My writing style has changed a lot in the past few years and if you enjoyed my book before, I can garentee that you will like them much more now. There will more details with my new writing style, as well as longer chapters now. I find those kind of fanfictions very enjoyable as you can tell by my favorite Newsies fanfiction EVER: In The Stars. 
          I have quite the amount of free time on my hands now so my update schedual will hopefully be more consistant. My plan is at least three chapters a week and it will be going into wffect once I have finished updating the rest of my story. 
          That's all for now. I will keep you all posted.