Procrastination, or writer's block? I don't know if I can tell the difference anymore. But after weeks, more like months. I'm now trying the original method... Pen to paper, not really caring if anything of it makes sense. Just looking for something/anything really to make to get me back on track. Subsequently, after reading, editing, adding more, and taking out even more of what I have so far and doing it again, then once again and even once more. I'm still nowhere I want to be with this wondrous story in my mind and where I once was. Where it once flowed. And that leads me to think, "Why the HELL NOT?" I mean that's what they did before computers, right? So, I'll see where this takes me and if my muse returns, because I'm still far from my end. So good luck to me and to you if you're having any of my hurdles right now. Good luck to you. May you find your words, and that creates beauty, wonder, excitement, etc... To your many readers or for your peace of mind. R.A.-