Take big bong rips so your lungs hurt more than your heart does. I be smoking by myself and still end up loosing my lighter wtf

Discord shiimi#2397
  • Cali
  • InscritOctober 3, 2015

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Midaskai Midaskai Feb 19, 2020 08:52AM
Today was pretty cool I got my hand stuck in a vending machine on campus and the maintenance guys had to get me out. 
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Histoires par Midas
Splatoon Coroika: Gloves/Emperor par Midaskai
Splatoon Coroika: Gloves/Emperor
I felt bad for my last story making gloves all sad.
ranking #53 dans la catégorie inklings Voir tous les classements
Splatoon Coroika: Goggles/Rider par Midaskai
Splatoon Coroika: Goggles/Rider
made myself cry, idk why I did it. but don't hate me. Gloves meets Rider and starts to fall in love. But some...
ranking #480 dans la catégorie gloves Voir tous les classements
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