Hi, It's @midgetgenius!  I love Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Once Upon a Time and many other fandoms. Anyways, welcome! I also love debates, books and Food!
  • Plymouth,England
  • InscritJuly 22, 2017


Histoires par LittleRavenclaw
One-Shot Collection par MidgetGeniusxoxo
One-Shot Collection
A series of One-shots that I come up with if you wish for a specific one, feel free to dm me with your reques...
Petit Chat par MidgetGeniusxoxo
Petit Chat
Adeline McGonnagol has been expelled from Beauxbatons and is being transferred to the school her mother works...
Not my Brother! par MidgetGeniusxoxo
Not my Brother!
What if Severus Snape had a sister? What if she was a Ravenclaw? What if she was friends with Lily Evans? Wha...
1 Liste de Lectures