
Okay guys just posted the first two chapters I have a couple more written out but I am not gonna post them until next Monday!! Monday and Friday will be the days I am updating this book and I couldn’t be more excited!! Share with your friends and leave votes and comments!!!


Okay guys just posted the first two chapters I have a couple more written out but I am not gonna post them until next Monday!! Monday and Friday will be the days I am updating this book and I couldn’t be more excited!! Share with your friends and leave votes and comments!!!


In Honor of the spider-man movie far from home I will be posting the first TWO chapters of my new book! Which is based on Civil war and Spider-man Homecoming!  I am excited to get back to writing!! So drop your socks and grab your crocs, it’s about to get wet on this ride 


Hi again so I just updated my new book it is only the first chapter but I am working on the second and third!!! I have this book all planned out and I will be getting on an updating schedule but for right now I am gonna post as much as I can!!! So please check out my book and comment and vote ❤️❤️


⚠️⚠️⚠️Hi guys!! I know it's had been awhile and I am really sorry you guys must be feed up with me.  anyway, I wanted to inform you that I will be deleting my stories except for my most viewed,and I will re-read my most viewed so I can determine if I can edit my messy writing. I am doing this so I can focus on making my writing better if major changes need to be done then I will delete the story no matter what. In other news I will be writing a new fanfic!! No it will not be another one direction fanfic but a fantastic beast fanfic. I chose this because I love the story, jk Rowling is on of my favorite authors. She is such an inspiration and before you start saying "okay well if you are such a big fan why didn't you write Harry Potter fanfics". Well I did but they weren't very good when I first started out but I decided to give it another try but with another one of jk. Rowling's stories, so it would give me great pleasure if you would read it!!! I would also like to say I am terribly sorry if you were reading one I had deleted well I must get to writing so Let me just say I love all of you guys!! And thank you for the amazing support. I you all have a great day or night depending on where you are.❤️❤️❤️ 


I'm almost done with Shot on 64th Street so I'll probably be publishing it in the next hour or so... Just FYI 


@LanTheGreatest CX CX CX CX CX !!!! ❤❤❤❤


I love my making my fans happy 