Your very welcome. I am absolutely loving this book, i cried when pain shot Ahmed. I am so hopping jab will go back and tear every one of those martians apart. I really love how kick ass jab is and although she was already stronger than most she only gets strong and thats what i really like about her. I also really like how the Japanese's heritage is incorporated with jab and how she keeps that way of life alive in the time she is in. I am really loving the story and the cover is awsome. Your a great writter.
Your very welcome love your work. Describes life on the farm perfectly. My fave is the shearing one as it is exactly what me and my family do. Brung back great childhood memories and why I'm proud to have my heritage and live where I do.
Hey mikky!
haven't talked since holidays started,
PLZ PLZ PLZ udate Cracked!!!
And also, u said u had other stories u were working on plz publish those too!!
Also i finally wrote chapter 20 of Bring Me The harmony so Please check that out!