
Omg people WMMT6 is coming out!!!!!!
          	How did i not know about this!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          	Already out in Japan!!!!!!!


@Mike1990Takeshi hyped!!!!! Moore rouge pls


I think there is a problem with one of your stories, i cant open it. The “ultimate akina” one. I cant open that story.


@DeathKingZ oh ok I'll try to republish it again. But I don't know if u really want to read it. It's kinda trash


Hey guys Mike here, I'm just gonna say that I'll be taking a break from wattpad for a while. I know that I've been REALLY inactive about my books lately. This is because recently I've been watching amazing anima and reading different kinds of books and these things keep making me want to write even more kinds of stories. But the problem is that with so many ideas in my head, its hard for me to concentrate on my current books. Not only that, recently i kinda lost some of my racing and car passion and the determination to continue my other books. I'll try and regain my live for cars as quickly as I can and try to continue my books in the future. But that's gonna take quite a while...


Thanks for the follow also like ur work


@thewritingdweeb9503 thx hope you will like my next book