
Constantinople's Cherry is coming to an end in a limited number of chapters, with EdSer and Kiraz finally getting their conclusion. I want to thank all my readers for the support.
          	I thought I wouldn't write anymore EdSer, but until it's summer and I have time, there's two stories ideas that have popped in my mind and that I'd like to write, in short format because I don't have the endurance and time for long stories anymore.
          	1) Canon, post episode 35. Eda wants Serkan and her to have a wishbag and fulfill both their wishes on it. She says it's a way for Serkan to mend all the hurt he has caused her while he lost his memory. Little does Serkan know that this innocent game is hidding a heartbreaking news : Eda has cancer. EdSer struggle through the sickness, Eda feeling her life slipping away and Serkan his soul.  Faced with sickness and challenges, will EdSer's love survive this new storm ?
          	2) AU 1830s. (I'm a fan of historical novels hehe). Eda and Serkan are childhood bestfriends of wealthy families from Izmir. A tragic accident split Eda from her family. Fifteen years later, it's a freshly graduated Serkan that meets Eda in a brothel of Istanbul, where destiny led her to. They begin to fancy each other and fall in love, but Serkan's family oppose such a scandalous union, and Eda's set off to a high bid. Will EdSer's love conqueer ?
          	Let me know which one you prefer, and shall I prioritise over the other. None is written down, these are ideas, so no promises but if I have good support it can motivates me to write them out fully :)


@Mille-Feuilles Your so good---please do BOTH!!


@Mille-Feuilles I know you have spoiled us, and Im really excited about the new story,  but still waiting on boiling charcoal for next chapter of CC. Can you please give us an idea of when we might have it, as I keep looking every so hours. Thanking you in advance


I would be more than happy and interested to read both ❤️ especially the second one because it sounds unique


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Part 3 
          Sorry, you wanted opinions, you're the writer that can provide corrections as to how things really should have played out in the amnesia plot. Eda was strong, she would not have allowed Serkan nor Selin to play their games, she would have moved on waiting for Serkan to pull his head out of his ass. Amnesia or not didn't give him the right to act like an ass.
          Selin could very easily could have been ousted by Ceren & her firm exposing all her crimes to oust her & put her away, something Serkan was never brave enough to do--stand up to Selin & to put Eda first. Engin should have been strong enough & smart enough to support Eda in getting Selin out of the company. She never belonged. 
          So many things that irritated me with the way two strong individuals played out.
          Please continue this plot, but I think you may have to extend over quite a few chapters--Serkan & Selin need to be put in check, Ayden needs to pay for her insensitivity.
          Write on!! (Sorry I got a bit long winded)


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Selin vindictiveness I got so sick of, that Serkan was that ignorant & naive to see how he was being played. The show disgust me the way they played him out to be so inconsiderate, rude, disrespectful & a bastard to the very woman who helped his mother & kept his company alive. Even so stupid!! What an ass! 
          Eda was highly intelligent & savvy in her thinking. She drew people because she was respectful, warm knowledgeable in her field of study. She was gorgeous, I always thought the show didn't portray her well; instead they had her being a sap to Serkan's whims & cruelty. Eda deserved n executive & CEO from an equally high firm to court her, NOT the coffee boy Deniz. Let Serkan see what he was missing, hell I wouldn't have changed my clothes for him, he needed to see what he was missing even if he couldn't see straight looking at her. 
          Eda should have held the whip to Serkan & took no sh&t from him or Selin. Selin was a bitch but Eda was 10 times smarter & more loved by many. Selin should never had the upper hand EVER, Eda could easily knock her down, humiliating her motives & swatting her down with all the lawsuits Ceren had ready. She was ousted for espionage among other things.
          I always thought that Ferit, Engin, Erdem, & other Architects should have fought harder for her against Serkan, showing Serkan how inadequate he really was to her, I felt there should have been a romance between her & another architect from another firm to show Serkan the value & worth of Eda. 
          Part 2


@ MariaAngela948  Eda's character energy and essence was lost in only being a suppletive to Serkan, his family problems, his memory loss, his health issues, his company etc. I agree on that. The show began with a strong and independant girl and I would have liked for things to remain that way but Eda's entire life seemed to circle around Serkan which was frankly annoying as she let go and sacrified all her goals and wishes in life for him. I disagree with her romancing another guy only out of spite and specially one that was Serkan's status level. Eda never cared about status and never looked for money in men, she rather liked other traits and it was actually nice to see her bond with Efe for things she valued like politeness, kindness etc. Eda is a woman and a person of her own, I would have just liked her to focus on the goals in her life and keep the kizlar together as they were, that was enough to me, she doesn't need a man to exist or show off to Serkan.


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RE: Rennaissance
          You always have a lot of angst in your stories. Sometimes I have to wait till they are completed because I can't tolerate so much. But you are good. 
          I'm really disappointed that Serkan is really showing himself to be manipulated by Selin, that his has lost his intellect & can't realize that possibly if everyone is telling him one thing; only one person is telling him another that he accepts Selins lies. (He's supposed to be this genius with a mind that runs a multi-billion company) I never understood what a true coward Serkan was in not taking the initiative to see ALL the facts in front of him BEFORE being the cruel /as*h*le/ he was to Eda. If I was Eda I'd cry, getting it out of my system then leave him to Selin claws since his such a dumbass. Serkan was outright cruel & vindictive to Eda, she took a lot of sh*t from him. Here you write she is pregnant, if she's pregnant I would let her be the one that lays the cards out, screw Serkan & his stupidity to really not see how he's being played. His best friend Engin, Pyril laid it out for him & he still wants to be with Selin, will f*ck him then. Eda should just walk away from him & have Serkan have stipulations as to what his part of custody will be. The huge one being her child will never be allowed in the presence of Selin. Let Eda show the worth of her 45% shares, she was super smart.
          Part 1


@ MariaAngela948  @ MariaAngela948  I totally agree with your rant on Serkan. At least in the show his character wad completely ruined during memory loss and never recovered for me. He was highly mean, coward and selfish. I don't think however that it was a lack of logic, and it's a detail but I am not thinking or writing Serkan as a multi-billionaire, they're well off but not that much. Millionaire with 2 or 3 millions which is mostly the worth of their companies and properties is more like my taste. Being that rich is far from a sign of intelligence anyway. In Eda's case Serkan has always been lost imo because its about his feelings and not what is logic to him (Selin). I agree that Eda took way too much from him and should have walked out at a point for her own self respect. 


Hi Im wondering when you think CC will get an update, I keep looking as you spoiled us last week. Im hoping you will do the same this week with your stories


@ AnnaYiannisVlassopou  Yes well honestly writing can be so time consuming and draining. I have found myself unable to write a lot this begining of week, so you can expect CC to be completed most likely next week, my other stories however, I'm really going to give myself a break and write with the inspiration, even if updates are much more timed out. 


@ AnnaYiannisVlassopou  I've discussed with a very loyal reviewer that in terms of lenghts I might have 3 charters of CC written right now, and she adviced more family scenes and not a rushed end. so the end of CC will expand in several chapters that I will keep adding to, until the end of August instead of giving it a rushed ending with the speed that I was updating it.


Constantinople's Cherry is coming to an end in a limited number of chapters, with EdSer and Kiraz finally getting their conclusion. I want to thank all my readers for the support.
          I thought I wouldn't write anymore EdSer, but until it's summer and I have time, there's two stories ideas that have popped in my mind and that I'd like to write, in short format because I don't have the endurance and time for long stories anymore.
          1) Canon, post episode 35. Eda wants Serkan and her to have a wishbag and fulfill both their wishes on it. She says it's a way for Serkan to mend all the hurt he has caused her while he lost his memory. Little does Serkan know that this innocent game is hidding a heartbreaking news : Eda has cancer. EdSer struggle through the sickness, Eda feeling her life slipping away and Serkan his soul.  Faced with sickness and challenges, will EdSer's love survive this new storm ?
          2) AU 1830s. (I'm a fan of historical novels hehe). Eda and Serkan are childhood bestfriends of wealthy families from Izmir. A tragic accident split Eda from her family. Fifteen years later, it's a freshly graduated Serkan that meets Eda in a brothel of Istanbul, where destiny led her to. They begin to fancy each other and fall in love, but Serkan's family oppose such a scandalous union, and Eda's set off to a high bid. Will EdSer's love conqueer ?
          Let me know which one you prefer, and shall I prioritise over the other. None is written down, these are ideas, so no promises but if I have good support it can motivates me to write them out fully :)


@Mille-Feuilles Your so good---please do BOTH!!


@Mille-Feuilles I know you have spoiled us, and Im really excited about the new story,  but still waiting on boiling charcoal for next chapter of CC. Can you please give us an idea of when we might have it, as I keep looking every so hours. Thanking you in advance


I would be more than happy and interested to read both ❤️ especially the second one because it sounds unique


Hello, your stories are amazing!  I just wanted to offer two ideas that maybe will inspire you and you could turn them into beautiful stories. The first would simply be that Eda dies and Serkan finds out about his daughter that way. Ayfer of course does not want to give her to Serkan, it is very difficult for him too, and the story continues after Eda's death. Another idea, twisting the original idea about fake engagement. What if Serkan's father is very domineering (mother is dead) and he chooses Serkan's wife, and she is Eda. Serkan, let's say until then, he only played with women, had one-night stands and that's it. It is difficult for him after the death of his mother, but he hides it. But his father makes him marry Eda (she also doesn't want that, she is kinda poor maybe).From the beginning, Serkan also treats Eda like a toy, and he doesn't try to get to know her too much. Later, the father says that he wants grandson, otherwise he will do something to Eda and then Serkan starts to understand that maybe he feels something for Eda. Let's say, Eda gets pregnant, but she is expecting a girl, then the father wants to do something to her, then some terrible event happens. So, I hope the ideas are clear and maybe you will consider them! Anyway, best of luck!


Hello to all my readers, as you can guess I am very relieved and happy. I will be back to writing and hopefully give Constantinople's Cherry a fulfilling and happy ending through Part 4. There's maybe one chapter of pain maximum left, and that too will be split into flashbacks. 
          Afrerwards its all rekindling, Kiraz finding her parents, and bonding with them. And EdSer finding each other again and having their fulfilled and happy end ❤️
          Thanks to @hayam - my best best supporter in this though period, and thanks to @Tina and @nykko for all thr support on the story too !




@Mille-Feuilles Thanking you in advance, we love your writing 


@ Mille-Feuilles  You will always have my support ❤️❤️❤️