
Sorry for all my late replies!


Hi! Was reading ur profile. I like marvel AND DC so I must ask, why dont u like Dc? And....FOLLOWED!


@Ax9000 You're very welcome! Thank you too! If you want to talk about MARVEL or DC (or anything) any time then feel free to PM me!


            You make a great point about the movies, I don't like them either, marvel is way better at that. But some of the plots are pretty good. Then again, some aren't as good. Some characs are well developed, others, not so much. Some are OP, some are relatable and realistic. Same with MARVEL. Some are OP some aren't and so on...great to find a marvel fan that doesn't bite people's heads off and thanks for the follow!


@Ax9000 Oh, hey! Thanks for the follow! It means so much! To answer your question I don't like DC because certain actors, characters and plots annoy me. I think that MARVEL is so much better because their characters seem to have a deeper story. DC's characters seem so shallow and I can't see a build of character in them. Also the fights aren't as good because the hero seems too god-like. Like come on batman broke his back yet still managed to continue! 
            And ..... I'll follow you back!


BTW I love marvel too and I am Thor ☺


@gymnasticsgrace2004 Ha ha! I bet you don't love Marvel as much as me though! (seriously, you should see my room). But, yeah, if you ever want to talk MARVEL then feel free to PM me!!!