Do you ever make a comment that some conservatives can agree with certain liberal beliefs and vice versa and then suddenly you're a psychopath and you apparently don't know anything about politics?
According to a Kaitlin Bennett comment section, me saying that the Ohio University "riot" made me mildly upset to say I'm a liberal because this is how liberals are perceived by the media, makes me a bad person and not very liberal. I'm so sorry that I'm not throwing water and yelling at Kaitlin for disagreeing with her personal beliefs.
I don't mean to defend her because she has done some pretty bad shît, but Ohio took it to an extreme and liberals were portrayed horribly. Because now everyone sees "the tolerant left" as a ton of insane idiots who only know how to yell and accuse her of things they can't provide evidence for.
I don't want that representing who I am and my beliefs. I am one of the most civil people you could have a conversation with as long as you too are civil. Even if things get heated I try to bring it down a notch on my end.
I don't mean to bring politics into an app were I read about Jungkook and Taehyung banging each other, but I just want to throw this out there in a place that isn't Twitter because oh God I'd be killed on Twitter.
I don't understand why people are being so extra and extreme. That goes for both conversatives and liberals. Liberals only see extreme conservatives and conservatives only see extreme liberals. It's like there is no median when it comes to the subject— especially online.
And that is disappointing. I feel scared to express my political beliefs and that shouldn't happen. A friend of mine expressed how she didn't like Trump and disliked conservative ideas, and she got her car tires slashed and someone keyed her car. They keyed "Trump 2020" into her car. And they call liberals intolerable???