Hello friends! Just wanted to drop you a quick note to let everyone know what I've been up to. It's been awhile since I've been online, but I have a valid excuse. Dano and I have been working diligently on a poetry site of our own. We're only in the beginning stages, so we have a lot of growing to do, but you are all more than welcome to come and grow with us. Hope to see you there, and rest assured... I'll be back on Wattpad to do some posting very soon.
Hello there:) can I recommend the buddhist like work of @jimrileyenlight and his book Enlightenment :) hope you check it out! Just saw how you were studying buddhism so thought I would recommend his work to you!
Hello friends! Just wanted to drop you a quick note to let everyone know what I've been up to. It's been awhile since I've been online, but I have a valid excuse. Dano and I have been working diligently on a poetry site of our own. We're only in the beginning stages, so we have a lot of growing to do, but you are all more than welcome to come and grow with us. Hope to see you there, and rest assured... I'll be back on Wattpad to do some posting very soon.
@tenderpoison Hmmm... never got notification of this note :( Sorry I'm just now replying. I'll be back soon, no worries. Just have to wait until my brain starts to quiet down a little... site development is challenging... haha! Hope to see you soon!
@WordSlinger I think my brain's broken... haha! Too many things flying around in here right now to reel a few thoughts in and turn them into something coherent that rhymes at the same time. It'll get better :) Thanks for stopping by... miss you guys!
Hi there Mindn, :) glad ya came to Watt Padd, we are sure getting a warm welcome from the sites Ninjas, cool huh. ok I'm off to read a poem of yours, WS