
Solar Flare: The Craziest Adventure
          Embark on an extraordinary journey with "Solar Flare: The Craziest Adventure," a captivating tale of a young boy from Africa who leaves his village in search of his purpose. Born to a virgin mother, his mysterious origin raises many questions among the villagers who are eager to uncover the truth behind his arrival. Follow his thrilling quest to discover why he was sent and the secrets that await. Dive into this amazing adventure and uncover the story of a lifetime! :)


when are you uploading “into his world”?!! I cant wait for it to be posted! Ive already read the lemons and i can tell that its amazing. But did wattpad remove it? Did you write it before?


@JeonAera080  I am pretty sure it's on their main account, this is just their back-up account in case something happens to their main.