
Hey guys, I just published a book called "The Lives of the Heart". I'm really confident it's okayish so far. If you have any ideas for me please DM me any ideas you have so I can work on that when I can. Please and thank you 


Sorry I haven't been on wattpad in a while. I started writing a story to put up but I started getting really lazy over summer break and didn't want to do anything but now that school started back up in August I've been pretty busy with school work and stuff like that but hopefully I can try to fit in time to get one finished and put up soon but idk I might be getting my iPod taken away again soon but well see how things go. 
          If anyone has any ideas on what I should write please DM me or email me. My email is in my bio I think so you can do that. 


          Okay so I’ve been treated like crap for the past 3 years and I’m getting tired of being beaten up all the time and not being treated like a human being. Ok so first off, I’m human too. Secondly, I don’t think people should be being bullied, because we’re all the same but different. And there’s nothing wrong with that. I think that the bullying should stop. For everyone


@livingtheteenagelife I feel you. I used to be bullied during my elementary and High School days. But never give up. Show them that you're strong, that they can't bully you like that. Pag nakita nilang di ka nila kayang bully-hin, sila na mismo ang lalayo sa iyo.


@livingtheteenagelife thanks for following me. :) Try to read my story. Sana magustuhan mo. :)