
Hey guys-
          	long time no see. So I have an announcement to make- I'm taking a long hiatus on Just Friends (possibly even just stopping). I've been reading a lot of novels lately and really working on improving my writing so I really want to try to start anew. I'm really sorry.
          	Just Keep Swimming,
          	Nat xx 
          	P.S. Hopefully a new story will be coming soon :)


Nattttt hi how's vacation school starts in like a week aaagh but there's still a week and i need to film music videos agh but how's belize i hope it's fun - lyz :)


@LyzzieBelle I'm sure the music videos will be fab I wish I could talk on Johnny Football but I don't have my phone :'( say hi to everyone for me because this is pretty much my only method of communication right now <3


Hey guys-
          long time no see. So I have an announcement to make- I'm taking a long hiatus on Just Friends (possibly even just stopping). I've been reading a lot of novels lately and really working on improving my writing so I really want to try to start anew. I'm really sorry.
          Just Keep Swimming,
          Nat xx 
          P.S. Hopefully a new story will be coming soon :)


          Hi, fishies!
          I know I've been MIA for the past month, but I have crawled out from under the rock that I have been living under, and should have a new chapter out later today or this week! 
          Just Keep Swimming,
          Nat xx


Hey fishies!
          Sorry, I know I've been a horrible human lately. I just wanted to let you guys know that I haven't given up on Just Friends, I just am kind of at a writer's block. I will be away for about a month, but I will try to update sometime then. I love you all!
          Just Keep Swimming,
          Nat xx


Hey fishies,
          I'm sorry for the late notice/ not updating last weekend. I'm not really feeling the chapter, even though it's vital to the plot, so I should be finished this weekend. Aside from this chapter, I should probably be updating on a weekly basis. I know my writing isn't vital to your survival, but I just wanted to let you guys know. :)
          Just Keep Swimming,
          Nat xx


Hey fishies!
          I'm sorry for spamming you all with posts, but I just need to make something clear:
          I will NOT be updating during the week. Probably ever. I like to put in a lot of thought and time into my homework so I do not like to update after school. However, I can promise updates over the weekend (hopefully longer, too!)
          So stay tuned for that.
          Love you guys!
          Just Keep Swimming,
          Nat xx