
Hey, it's me. I'm alright. Even though its been silent here, so much has been happening. Today marks one year since I graduated college. I paid off my student loans last month. I bought my dream vehicle. I might be buying a house in six months. I'm at the top of my game at my job that I dreamed about having. I am, in every way, a very blessed twenty-three year old. Except I am guilty of reading more than writing lately. I can't help it when those fantasy books hook me in, my mind will not rest until I've consumed it ALL. Yes, I'm still in the midst of the epilogue for Accolade, and I have so many plans for TMWH. I daydream about the plot but it's truly a matter of time because I don't get to write for hours like I did in high-school. Its half a page and then I have to leave, which makes the process extremely slow and often with no progress because I overthink. One day, I will figure out this work/life balance thing. I promise.  Thank you for all the patience and concern. I think about you guys quite often. I miss all the comments.




@Mintessla YAY congrats on everything that's so cool what you were able to accomplish. Take your time figuring out that balance I'll wait as long as you need to read your stories because they're that good. 