I am an aspiring author who finds bliss through the creations of words upon a blank page, along with the rushing of wind through my hair as I ride horses. I know American Sign Language, and I have invested one year in learning the tenor sax, but have returned to my prior instrument (flute). I am now switching into percussion and am currently in a drum corp and will have the honor of touring this summer along with some amazing people!

This is my primary account for all of my original works! Enjoy, please leave a comment and vote, and, as always, constructive criticism is welcome!!

@BlurryfacedFren ~ Fan Fic account

Find me:

@DysfunctionalFamily - Fingerprint is my autobiography, along with other amazing works you'll find.

@MoggyandMonkey - Co-account with @Nonja18

@StormSisterMoffia - Co-account with @StormyTheZebra

~|~At this time, I'm no longer taking reading requests. This may change in the future, so be sure to check back. Right now I'm busy catching up with writing and reading, however, and can't take on new stories.~|~
  • Neverland
  • InscritDecember 22, 2013

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MiracleCrown MiracleCrown Dec 28, 2016 08:43AM
It's been almost two years since I even touched some of these stories...
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Histoires par K. L. Moffate
GRIEF [A Poetry Collection] par MiracleCrown
GRIEF [A Poetry Collection]
GRIEF - A five part poetry collection exploring the five stages of grief: Denial Anger Bargaining Depression ...
ranking #42 dans la catégorie fivestagesofgrief Voir tous les classements
Imagination [Poetry] par MiracleCrown
Imagination [Poetry]
Imagination. The ability to see beyond just the black and white. To see what other's can't, or refuse, to see...
ranking #768 dans la catégorie 2014 Voir tous les classements
recreation // poetry par MiracleCrown
recreation // poetry
a collection of poems
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9 Listes de Lectures