
Hey guys, I know I haven't updated in a while but after my May/June Cambridge exams I will be coming up with new content.


Exactly how freaked out are you about tomorrow? Because I have been sort of just avoiding the topic everywhere saying NOPENOPENOPE and pretending like it wont happen.
          Gahd I wish I had to start O levels this year, it would make life so much easier


@Mirsubius Oh God. You poor soul, but hey atleast your parents will be tired and probably dismiss it. Dude, my ENTIRE extended family is in Karachi for some God-awful reason and ALL of them are waiting to know what I get.
            I haven't been sleeping for the past week, just lying awake in bed really, coming up with horrifying scenarios of what might happen. Lel. I ran outside for lunch with my friends yesterday because I am sure that, that was the last time I'd see them before A Levels start. That is, IF I get into As. D:


@hadayakijer well, for starters I'm not sleeping today. Also, I have a flight the same day so I'll be 'double-stressed'. Though, after replaying the scenario so many times in my head. I've sort of made peace with myself. But alas, the moment of truth has yet reveal that itself. Just counting my few precious hours of freedom.