hello hello hello! so i haven't written anything in a while (i'm in college, sue me. you guys don't wanna read my papers on the development of music theory and the biological significance of bioluminescence).
BUT my roommate has asked me to start writing one shots/drabbles again and while they probably won't be for supernatural, i have A LOT of ideas for voltron.
so, my lovely followers, if you even read this: if you'd be interested in voltron fics OR have some supernatural prompts that you'd really like me to write, please shoot me a message and let me know!
i've got a couple ideas floating in my head, but i'm also doing commissioned artwork and working on some prints and things to take to cons to sell, so i've got a lot going on. i wanna know that YOU GUYS wanna read this stuff!
so send me a message and let me know what you really wanna read, and i'll see what i can do!
thanks so much!! xx