
@anna_m Thank you! :D And I've got a couple of pages done so far...but I also have some chemistry homework (ironically) that needs to be done, so the odds of me updating tonight are looking very slim :( xx


and squeal! you're here! but take your time with the editing- we will wait :) 
          and thank you for that snippet! and yes, please do put up more! :D x


            well im glad you're still here :) yes, do so- i cant wait to read the new version! I think it will be amazing- and the extra stuff sounds really exciting :) but dont rush! :D x how has your summer and first year at uni been though?


I'm still here! :P It's definitely taking a lot longer than I expected. I've been so busy and I didn't realise how much I'd be adding to it :P When I'm not editing videos or packing for uni, I'm now editing Brooksworth. I'm determined to give it my undivided attention now! I definitely will be posting more snippet's! Can't keep you guys completely in the dark :D x


Amazing work! Love your stories ! Please Please Please start the next book, dying to know what happens next xxx


Thank you!! I'm sorry to say that you'll have to wait for a little while longer before Compromised makes an appearance. But not worry, I'll be dropping the odd chapter of Ced's POV every now and then to tide everyone over :P xxx


Hello! Thank you sooooo much! I will definitely be continuing the series. I'm not done with Hazel and Ced just yet :P Thanks you for the luck! I've finished up uni for the year now so I can get on with editing and planning out Compromised :D xx


Will you be continuing the series? I really enjoyed reading your books! I loved them!


Hi! Yes I will be continuing the series, but I'm going to edit Brooksworth Academy and Brush Pass before I do so. It'll just be easier plus, while you guys are (hopefully) rereading them both to see the changes I've made and the scenes I've added, I can get a head on Compromised :P Thank you so much! That really means a lot :D xx


Roll on june!!!


Whoop! Thats great :) and thats veeerry good news- and i haaave to remember to check out your videos! @MissBartram


@starfromouterspace My exams went pretty well, thanks! Now they're done I'm hitting editing, driving lessons and YouTube pretty hard :P xxx


            haha it's june now ;) hope your final exams are going fine :)


please upload as soon as you can:) i love your stories and know you have tremendous talent. i have been a fan of yours since 2011 and always get the best butterflies in my stomach when i find out you updated your story. brush pass is beautifully written and i hope you continue pursuing it. xoxo may.


Just realised that I never replied to this and now I feel terrible! But thank you so much for saying all of that. It really means a lot to me :) Brush Pass is finished now, but I am editing it and Brooksworth Academy so that they're better and so I can fix some plot holes. Plus, a couple of scenes will be added here and there :P Also, once they're both edited, Compromised will be in the works, so look out for that! Thank you again for saying all of that, it's very sweet of you :) - Brooke xxx


Hi! I'm so sorry I haven't been able to update recently. Things have been hectic with uni and then I got the flu :( I'm feeling a little better now though and I have a feeling today is just going to be a lazy day around the flat so I might be able to get chapter twenty finished and up. If not, hopefully sometime next week! Thank you for your lovely words, it really does mean a lot to me. I'm really trying to get chapter twenty done, but the beginning is really hard to write. Once again, I'm really sorry for keeping you and everyone else waiting! 