Hello Der, I am Jordan I am 14 and I am a very Big One Direction Fan,  
Ten Facts About Me:

One- I am British and Proud.
Two- My Favourite colour is Green.
Three- My Cousin is One Direction’s Lead Guitarist.
Four- I am Listening to ‘First Date’ - Blink-182 as I type this.
Five- I Love Justin Bieber.
Six- My Best friends are Called Courtney and Maddie <3
Eight- I want to Be a Photographer when I am Older.
Nine- I am Very Insecure.
Ten- I cried at The Smurfs

I have a Twin called Maddie, Well she isn't really my Twin but Shes a Loser, But Yeah LUF WU M.

Lots of Love,,,, ♥
  • Yorksire
  • JoinedJune 5, 2012
