

          SHUT UP AND ENJOY THE ♫♪


hey people who probabley will just skip past this in the news bit, because they dont care. I do the same, dont worry, im not taking it on you. but IM ON SUMMER HOLIDAYS!!!! this may or may not mean ill be writing more, i have just got back from spain with school, so i haven't been writing much recently. so please carry on reading, and also I would like feedback on the later parts please? and thanks to abny fans i haven't said thank you to yet, what jk rowling said about a story needing readers is true


Hello everyone, you probabley wont read this, but it is worth a shot. Please check out How to be a Dude, and commetn and vote blah blah blah, and also check out Yes. No, because I really need to know what you think about the last couple of chapters, even if you do not vote, please comment :P